Grant Opportunities

The Board of Trustees considers grant proposals throughout the year until the application deadline of Aug. 3. The Missouri Bar Foundation Board generally makes its funding decision in January following the year of application. The foundation does not make grants to individuals and grants are usually limited to organizations and activities performed within Missouri.

To apply, submit a proposal to The Missouri Bar Foundation that includes the following information: (Note: DO NOT submit proposals in notebooks, binders, or plastic folders)

  • A one-page cover letter summarizing the project, including the amount of requested funding
  • Organizational background: Provide a brief history and mission of your organization, along with an overview of its current programs and any affiliations. Include the principal geographic area of service and the specific region or regions served
  • Project description: Briefly summarize the proposal, including the following:
    • Description of need
    • Target population
    • Specific goals and objectives
    • Activities planned to meet those goals
    • Anticipated outcomes
    • Expected challenges
    • Project timeline
    • Methods of evaluation
    • Any collaborating organizations
    • Any linkages between the program and other community resources
    • Statewide impact of a project is a key consideration; please include information regarding the statewide reach of the project.
  • Project budget: Include a detailed budget for the project. Be sure to address how the foundation funds will be used specifically. Provide information about total anticipated income and other potential or acquired sources of funding.
  • A completed Grant Application, available here

Address any proposals or questions to:
The Missouri Bar Foundation 
326 Monroe | P.O. Box 119 
Jefferson City, MO 65102 

The foundation cannot fund all grant applications it receives and cannot always meet the time constraints of some applications. The foundation may award limited or partial grants or may pay grants in installments. The foundation rarely funds the same project for multiple years.